In accordance with New York State Law, and for the safety of our staff and community, any dog, cat and domesticated ferret under our care is required to receive a Rabies Vaccination within four months after birth and a second vaccination within one year of the first.
Exceptions to the compulsory vaccination would include:
If active immunization or exemption cannot be verified, the veterinarian shall immunize the animal at the owner’s expense in accordance with the law. If the animal is exempt from the provision, the veterinarian shall provide the owner a certified statement verifying the animal is exempt from immunization because the immunization would adversely affect the health of the animal, and verify the nature and duration of such exemption. The certified statement shall be in a form prescribed by the commissioner and shall be consistent with the requirements of section 109 of the agriculture and markets law. Medical exemptions are to be renewed on an annual basis.
The owing of a dog, cat or ferret by any person in violation of the above law is subject to a fine of $200.00 for each offense.